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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
March 21, 2017

A House with History

We invite you to dive into the fascinating past of the Capt. Elijah Cobb House as narrated by Laurel Kornhiser.


We invite you to dive into the fascinating past of the Capt. Elijah Cobb House as narrated in a recent Cape Cod Life article by Laurel Kornhiser, an English professor at Quincy College who lives in Barnstable.

Capt. Elijah Cobb House, a fine example of late 18th century Georgian type two-story, wood-frame mansion topped by a widow’s walk, is now home to Brewster Historical Society. The Society did an amazing job restoring the 1799 building back to its historic form and turning it into a museum. Coastal Engineering Co. worked in a team with Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects, Inc. to provide a building code review so the structure could be transitioned from residential to commercial use. Coastal identified the existing framing system, keyed it to the architectural floor plans and made recommendations for load capacity relative to proposed change in use. A fun and gratifying project to be a part of!