chevron-down chevron-with-circle-right cross magnifying-glass plus home4 bed city pencil-ruler pencil-ruler2 compass drop2 cog wrench hammer-wrench shovel factory2 clipboard-text register license2 library2 user-plus users2 cart-full new-tab lamp cord chart-settings balance briefcase ship2 golf2 file-charts magnifier cross2 plus2 chevron-down2 rulers
Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Leadership Hero Chad Simmons

Chad A. Simmons
Technical Services Division Manager

Chad A. Simmons, a Massachusetts licensed wastewater treatment plant operator with 12 years of experience, serves as Coastal Engineering Co. Technical Services Division Manager. Chad has earned his degrees and certificates through Cape Cod Community College and Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Bourne. Having started as a plant operator working on the Superfund Site cleanup of the chemical contamination at Joint Base Cape Cod, Mr. Simmons then completed his internship at the Massachusetts Wastewater Test Center. Being an advocate for the environment, Chad enjoys contributing to its protection by operating Innovative and Alternative treatment facilities with Coastal Engineering Co.

Mr. Simmons is proud to have served 8 years of active duty military service in the U.S. Army and 13 years in the Massachusetts Army National Guard. He is currently a member of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter, where he helps with charity events that benefit veterans and their families.