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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Mixed Use Commercial Residential Redevelopment Hero Thumb

Mixed Use Redevelopment

Revitalizing Padanaram Village, Dartmouth with Mixed Use Redevelopment

Coastal Engineering co. worked together with Dewing Schmid Kearns Architects+Planners (DSK) to provide structural design and construction services for 5-7 Bridge Street in South Dartmouth, MA, a 14,000 square foot mixed use re-development in the heart of a small New England seaside village. The new building replaces several vacant storefronts and is a catalyst for revitalization of the village known as Padanaram.

The flood resistant structure complies to Massachusetts Building Code requirements for construction in FEMA Coastal Flood Zone while respecting the scale and materials of the local building vernacular. The ground level consists of a high-end market, a home furnishings store, and indoor parking. The second level contains three large apartments with decks overlooking the bustling harbor. DSK and Coastal have also designed the Little Moss restaurant across the street.  Both buildings have been widely acclaimed for their unique contribution to the re-imaging of this quaint coastal village.


  • Structural engineering design and plans for improvements to existing structure per Massachusetts Building Code requirements for construction in FEMA Coastal Flood Zone
  • Construction administration services, including a protocol for testing of engineering materials, shop drawing reviews and construction inspections