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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Academy Of Performing Arts Hero Thumb

Academy Of Performing Arts

Setting the stage for tomorrow

In an effort to preserve this historic building, improve public and handicapped access, and enlarge workspace areas, the Academy Corporation identified three construction projects. Phase I involved excavating the crawl space basement area and constructing a rehearsal area, meeting rooms, and a workshop. Additionally, the design and construction of a “West Wing” with elevator and emergency egress stairway was needed. Also, a “North Addition” was desired to provide backstage space, an expanded workshop area, additional office space, and a storage area. Planning is underway to produce plans and specifications for the next phase of development.

  • Existing conditions assessment
  • Structural engineering design and plan preparation for proposed structural retrofit work, foundation underpinning, handicapped accessible ramp, emergency egress, West wing addition with elevator pit, and North addition
  • Construction contract administration-structural and architectural components