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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Accessible Residential Boardwalk And Ramp Hero Thumb

ADA-Compliant Residential Boardwalk and Ramp

Making the dune accessible

The owners of this property wanted to attain accessible pedestrian access across an existing vegetated coastal dune located between their home and a private beach on Cape Cod Bay. The project presented some significant permitting and engineering challenges and resulted in the construction of about 800 linear feet of elevated boardwalk across the dune, and 180 linear feet of ramp extending from the crest of the dune to the beach below. The boardwalk was constructed with a maximum 1:20 slope and the ramp was constructed with a maximum 1:12 slope with handrails.

  • Surveying, plan preparation, and site study
  • Assessment of dune crossing structure options and preliminary construction cost
  • Site design and environmental permitting assistance
  • Existing conditions property survey and plan
  • Final plans and specifications for construction
  • Construction inspection services