chevron-down chevron-with-circle-right cross magnifying-glass plus home4 bed city pencil-ruler pencil-ruler2 compass drop2 cog wrench hammer-wrench shovel factory2 clipboard-text register license2 library2 user-plus users2 cart-full new-tab lamp cord chart-settings balance briefcase ship2 golf2 file-charts magnifier cross2 plus2 chevron-down2 rulers
Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Project Bjs Wholesale 3

BJ's Wholesale Club

This popular discount retail giant searched long and hard for a suitable location on Cape Cod. Once an appropriate site was chosen near the downtown Hyannis business district, the BJ’s development team worked closely with the Town of Barnstable and the Cape Cod Commission to ensure that impacts to the area’s infrastructure were minimized. The final result was the long-awaited opening of the Cape’s first “big box store” that affords residents the cost savings and convenience of discount shopping in their own backyard.


  • Feasibility and site suitability studies
  • Site assessment and development
  • Topographic, boundary, and Land Court surveys
  • Geotechnical investigation and reporting
  • Civil engineering design and plan preparation, including parking lot design
  • Environmental permitting with town, county, and state regulatory authorities
  • Construction contract administration