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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Cape Center For The Arts 3

Cape Center for the Arts

Comprehensive Existing Conditions Assessment of the Campus Driving Surface and Drainage

The Cape Cod Center for the Arts is a non-profit organization which oversees the 23-acre campus encompassing The Cape Playhouse (1838), Administrative Building, Box Office/ Gift Store (1975), “Pond Senn” Scenery Barn (1927), Prop Barn (1985), Joshua Nickerson Studio & Archives (1950), The Cape Cinema (1920), and Encore Restaurant (1920). Much of the site is within a 200-foot-wide jurisdictional boundary related to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. Coastal Engineering Co. performed a comprehensive existing conditions assessment of the driving surface and drainage of main entrance, campus roads, and parking areas, as well as assessed sewage disposal system capacity and buildings’ framing systems.


  • Civil and structural investigation and existing condition report with recommendations for repairs and upgrades