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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Capt Elijah Cobb House Hero Thumb

Capt. Elijah Cobb House

Capt. Elijah Cobb House, a fine example of late 18th century Georgian type two- story, wood-frame mansion topped by a widow’s walk, has recently become a home to Brewster Historic Society. The Society did an amazing job restoring the building to its historic form and turning it into offices and a museum. Coastal Engineering Co. worked in a team with Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects to perform general conditional assessment and evaluation and identify the existing structural load capacity relative to proposed change in use based upon current building code.

  • Field work to perform a visual field inspection of existing buildings with non-destructive probes to observe exposed and accessible portions of framing and foundations for general conditional assessment.
  • Prepare a general framing layout sketch with field notes to identify the structural framing system keyed to architectural floor plans.
  • Prepare an evaluation report to include our observations and general recommendations for load capacity and repair or augmentation required.
  • Construction phase services