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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Charlestown Waterfront Coalition Climate Change Forums 7

Charlestown Waterfront Coalition Flood Mitigation Study

Coastal Engineering Co. in association with Offshoots, Inc. conducted a series of public forums on potential future climate impacts and available flood mitigation strategies for the Navy Yard in Charlestown, MA. Based upon information provided by Climate Ready Boston, flood zone analysis, regional precedents for climate change resiliency adaptations, and applicable federal, state, and local regulations, the design team illustrated which improvements at the site, neighborhood, and regional scale could increase resiliency and decrease the risk of flooding. Design implications for retrofit projects specific to Navy Yard were a special topic of discussion.


  • Analysis of climate change context and Navy Yard susceptibilities
  • Develop recommendations for flood mitigation strategies
  • Prepare a presentation that incorporates the findings and recommendations
  • Public forums to present findings