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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Cisco Brewers Hero

Cisco Brewers

Sisco Brewers hired Coastal Engineering Co. when they needed to update the facility’s wastewater treatment plant to handle the waste from brewing, distilling and winemaking, as well as sanitary waste. During the existing conditions evaluation, we determined that though a sanitary wastewater treatment plant was needed on the premises, it was not cost effective for the client to operate a treatment plant for the industrial waste. Our engineers designed a plant for sanitary waste and for the industrial waste, they came up with a unique solution of initially holding it in an industrial tank and later transporting to a municipal treatment plant. It proved to be a “win-win” solution in that it had cost benefits both for the client and Nantucket.

  • Survey and soil testing
  • Wastewater treatment plant and effluent disposal facility design, plans, and report
  • Permitting
  • Bidding and construction related services