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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Conant House Hero Thumb

Conant House

As one of the oldest structures in the Falmouth Village Historic District, the circa 1730 Conant House is a keystone of the Falmouth Museums on the Green. Today it houses the Falmouth Historical Society’s offices, exhibits and a research center. The building has not been renovated for over 50 years and was in dire need of work–from the roof to the foundation–in order to preserve for future generations an important example of 18th century architecture, but also to create a facility that is fully functional in the 21st century.

  • Deed research and review, field survey, site plan preparation
  • Engineering assessment of existing structure and evaluation of repairs per IEBC-90
  • Preparation of construction plans and specifications for restoration of existing structure and new construction of archival storage building
  • Construction phase services