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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Dennis Corporation Beach Stairs 8

Corporation Beach Stairs

Unique Structural Design Including a Beam Support System Bridging across the Fiber Rolls to Meet the Implications of the Site

Wooden stairs with railings had connected the parking lot to the Corporation beach below for about 60 years, until a nor’easter destroyed them and they had to be removed. Coastal Engineering Company worked with the Town of Dennis to design replacement stairs. One of the project challenges was that fact that fiber rolls had been previously installed under 5ft of fill in the proposed stair location. Our design team came up with a unique structural design of the stairway that included a beam support system bridging across the fiber rolls to meet the implications of the site. The lower portion of the stairs is removable to protect it from winter damage and the ThruFlow decking is used to allow greater light penetration in order to promote vegetation growth under the stairs.


  • Field survey to verify existing conditions; combine field data with data provided by Town of Dennis to prepare an existing conditions plan
  • Preparation of a stairway design to go over existing fiber rolls on coastal bank