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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Eastward Ho Country Club Hero

Eastward Ho! Country Club

Eastward Ho! Country Club is an oceanfront golf course and recreational facility located in Chatham, MA, a breathtaking seaside community on Cape Cod. The golf course, developed by an Englishman William Herbert Fowler, is a “links course”, the oldest style of golf course, traditionally located in a coastal area, on sandy soil, where changing wind conditions bring an added level of excitement to golfers. Coastal Engineering Co. has worked on multiple projects throughout the years to support the facility. The challenges were presented by the fact that most work required extensive permitting, which was successfully obtained. Shown below is the civil engineering portion of the work; the shorefront protection work can be seen here.

  • North Lawn and clubhouse site redevelopment
  • Parking and drainage
  • Pro shop improvements
  • Wastewater treatment facility design
  • Shorefront protection
  • Handicap ramp and deck framing verification
  • New maintenance building design