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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod

Eddy Elementary School

When fast-paced population growth in the Town of Brewster caused the capacity of the Stony Brook Elementary School to be exceeded, the Town decided to construct a second elementary school — the Eddy Elementary School — on the same parcel of land as the existing school. Coastal Engineering Co. evaluated several site access options, including a new driveway from the existing school and a new driveway from Underpass Road, and recommended that the site access be constructed from Route 6A. This route was chosen due to the existence of several wetlands on the site, including the “Consodine Ditch,” an intermittent stream that traverses the property between the school and Route 6A. Coastal also designed the stormwater treatment and sanitary sewage disposal systems, the met the challenging soil conditions at the new site.


  • Access planning
  • Design of stormwater treatment and sanitary sewage disposal systems
  • Environmental and land-use permitting
  • Ground monitoring well program development and monitor well installation