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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Chatham Public Library 3

Eldredge Public Library

Solving Tight Site Circulation and Accessibility

The Eldredge Public Library was built in 1895 in the Renaissance/Romanesque Revival style. Originally a 67’ by 34’ building, in 1997 it got a three-story addition, which increased the Library’s usable space to 18,000 square feet. Site circulation and accessibility have always been challenging at this site given its close proximity to the adjacent streets and limited available space. Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) is currently working closely with the library staff, Chatham officials and a landscape architect to develop improved site access for pedestrians with handicap accessible routes and modified parking plan for improved safety and circulation, while incorporating a drive up book drop into the scheme. The project is currently in the permitting process with the Historic Committee and Chatham Planning Board. Upon receiving approval from the necessary approving authorities, CEC will prepare construction documents and facilitate the Public Bid process, as well as oversee the implementation of construction, which is anticipated to take place in Spring 2019.


  • Existing conditions site plan
  • Civil engineering design for improvements to site layout, parking, drainage, hardscape and landscape
  • Stormwater runoff design analysis and stormwater report
  • Permitting support with the Historic Committee and Chatham Planning Board
  • Construction documents