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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Ellis Landing Hero Thumb

Ellis Landing

Ellis Landing is a Town of Brewster public beach access and parking area for one of the most heavily used beaches in the Town. For many years, the beach in front of the access/parking area had been eroding, with stormwater flow coming down Ellis Landing Road also contributing to erosion.

The Town of Brewster DPW engaged Coastal Engineering Co. to devise a mitigation plan. The key components of the mitigation constructed by NETCO were the Shorebloc concrete mats to reduce the energy of the uprush of storm waves and surf, coir envelopes, and a Cultec storm water container storage/infiltration system. The parking area was regraded and paved to redirect storm water flow. The project was completed within a tight, 6-week schedule.


  • Existing conditions site plan
  • Engineering design and plan preparation for proposed drainage remediation
  • Environmental permitting
  • Construction bid documents
  • Construction contract administration