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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Fire Ems Station Hero

Oak Bluffs Fire/EMS Station

The project consists of a new two-story wood-framed public safety facility with an attached pre-fabricated engineered steel structure for the apparatus garage bays. It is approximately 20,850 square foot Fire/EMS Station on a 1.10 acre town-owned parcel. New construction finishes emphasize ease of maintenance and durability. The old Fire/EMS building and pavement were removed as part of the work of this project. Approximately 19,300 square feet of new asphalt paving, including entrance drive curb cuts on County Road and Firehouse Lane were laid. A total of twenty-five parking spaces, including two accessible, are included in the site design. Precast concrete curbing and concrete walks installed at the front of the building, and granite curbing along all street curb cuts. All drainage is contained on-site. A new 2,000-gallon underground propane tank was installed for fuel for building heating and to power the emergency generator. A new three-stop elevator and two, three-story stairs were constructed within the building. A new 300 KW propane generator was included to run the entire facility. A new exhaust recovery systems (Plymo-vent) at new fire apparatus and ambulance bays, with a total of twelve drops, were provided. A time lapse video of the construction, courtesy of Bill McGrath (Oak Bluffs Fire/EMS Station Building Committee), can be viewed HERE. 

  • Schematic/design development
  • Construction documents
  • Construction bid documents
  • Construction administration