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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Fire Station Hero Thumb

Wellfleet Fire Station

The Wellfleet Fire & Rescue Station provides services for the Town of Wellfleet’s public safety needs. The $6 million facility was constructed on time and on budget and meets “green” building initiatives for sustainable design, including a number of energy efficient design features such as super-insulated building envelope and glazing; extensive use of natural light; solar panels for domestic hot water; radiant floor heating in the apparatus garage slabs; and future facility accommodation for photo-voltaic roof array and geothermal heating. Structurally, the building was designed with a structural steel moment resisting frame and wind bracing to resist 120 mph hurricane force wind criteria. Development of the building site required public water supply hook-up to an existing Town-owned well, parking layout, and stormwater drainage design. Special consideration was made in the design to protect groundwater and surface water resources from potential problems from disposal of storm run-off and vehicle wash water from the site.

  • Structural engineering design
  • Preparation of civil site plans, including grading, stormwater drainage, sewage disposal system and parking areas
  • Public water supply development
  • Bidding, construction layout, inspections and oversight for controlled construction