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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Fishermans Wharf Banner

Fisherman's Wharf

Fisherman’s Wharf and Marina, located in the center of Provincetown, provides not only boat moorings and vessel slips, but much-needed parking space for tourists and visitors to the town. The wharf owners needed to obtain certain local, state and federal compliance permits without interrupting the pier operations. In addition, the owners had purchased the ship Provincia, which was berthed at the pier and needed to be permitted as a permanently moored vessel (PMV). To address these issues, a team of engineers, environmental consultants, and lawyers was assembled to assist the owners in negotiations with the various regulatory agencies. Working with the state Department of Environmental Protection and the federal Army Corps of Engineers, the team was able to obtain the required permit for the Provincia from the United States Coast Guard and reach an agreement for the pier to continue to operate as a water-dependent facility. Throughout the entire process, the pier remained open for parking and operated at full capacity.


  • Underwater structural evaluation of pier and berthing facility
  • Chapter 91 and ACOE permit applications
  • Permit application for a permanently moored vessel with the US Coast Guard
  • Design of new parking and stormwater management system
  • Consultations with regulatory agencies
  • Environmental surveys, including eel grass, fish habitat, and shellfish