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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Head Of The Meadow Trail 1

Head of the Meadow Trail

Coastal Engineering Co. worked with HDR Construction Control Corp. to provide onsite construction contract administration services for the Cape Cod National Seashore’s major bike trail improvement project - part of the 2017 Cape Cod Commission Outer Cape Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The 1.9-mile Head of the Meadow Bicycle Trail was rehabilitated, including installation of a new base course, widening, and resurfacing. The National Seashore’s bike trail now extends from High Head Road to Coast Guard Road in Truro. This new 0.8-mile Old King’s Highway segment from Head of the Meadow Road to Coast Guard Road is now named the Head of the Meadow Bicycle Trail Connector. An alternative permeable, stable surface was implemented in lieu of asphalt on two flatter sections of the trail extension. The construction contract team was led by Henry General Construction, Inc. of Springfield, MA. Superintendent Carlstrom praised the team for bringing to life “safe bicycle connections to more National Seashore and Truro destinations”.


  • Onsite construction monitoring
  • Preparation of construction field reports
  • Review contractor’s project record drawings and verify plans are properly updated to reflect work progress and/or any changes in work
  • Obtain photo documentation