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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Higgins Crowell Road Survey 1

Higgins Crowell Road

Coastal Engineering Co. (CEC) was hired by Green International Affiliates, Inc. and the Town of Yarmouth to perform a topographical route location survey for design of improvements to Higgins Crowell Road. This roadway is a major link between Willow Street near Route 6 and Route 28. It provides access to two of the Town’s schools, the Police Station, and major residential areas.

One of the Town’s major objectives for the project is to improve the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists along this moderately high volume link, while at the same time being sensitive to the surrounding area and minimizing tree loss. The improvement project will also enhance safety within the school zone through traffic control measures, protected pedestrian crossings, and a multi-use path designed to be off-road for the portion adjacent to the two schools and then running along the roadway for the section connecting south to Buck Island Road. The design includes high visibility-type street and bike trail crossings where required. CEC surveyed approximately 12,000 feet of roadway beginning at the round-about near the Northern end of Higgins Crowell Road and ending at Route 28 to the South.  The project included location of drainage structures and culverts as part of the existing conditions survey.


  • Route location survey and plans
  • Geotechnical testing oversight
  • Wetlands-related permitting