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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
John Hinckley Affordable Homes Hero Thumb

John Hinckley Affordable Homes

John P. Hinckley Jr. Affordable Housing is a Housing Assistance Corporation project, aimed at helping Orleans residents who serve the town and the neighboring communities but cannot find decent, affordable housing in the area because of out-of-range prices and incompatible housing opportunities. The project consists of two two-story, hip-roof units of congregate housing (six bedrooms per unit) built on approximately 1.66 acres of land screened from Route 6A by distance and existing natural vegetation. Coastal Engineering Co. designed state-of-the-art stormwater drainage and sanitary wastewater system for the property.

  • Land survey and soil testing
  • Civil engineering design and permit plans and details showing the proposed site layout and materials, site grading, utilities, I/A wastewater system,stormwater drainage system
  • Construction drawings with details and specifications
  • Environmental permitting and regulatory review
  • Construction layout and survey
  • Construction administration