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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Lifesaving Museum Hero Thumb

Lifesaving Museum

The Point Allerton U.S. Lifesaving Station was constructed in 1899 to provide coastal lifesaving services in Boston Harbor. The station is best known for its keeper, Captain Joshua James, who is credited with saving more than 600 lives in his 60 year career as a lifesaver. The original building is an Albert B. Bibb #2 Type U.S. Lifesaving Station, the first new station design of architect Alfred Buruley Bibb, who designed four station plans and two one-of-a-kind stations in his career with the Lifesaving Service. Today the station is part of the Hull Lifesaving Museum, established in 1978 to preserve the historic station and to provide outreach, education, exhibits and instruction in lifesaving history and rowing. Our firm performed structural conditions assessment report with recommendations for structural rehabilitation repairs relative to IEBC Section 506 Classification for Structural Repairs as modified for historic buildings.

  • Historic structure survey report
  • Existing conditions assessment and structural retrofit plans