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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Macmillan Pier Reconstruction 1

MacMillan Pier Reconstruction

MacMillan Pier is located in a natural deep-water harbor in the south side of Provincetown, MA. The marina accommodates fleet of all sizes, from private owned boats and commercial fishing fleet up to cruise ships. A rock breakwater just south of the pier provides protection to the marina for most of the year. However, repeat Nor’easters over the winter months have degraded and broken the floats and connections of the docks. GEI Consultants Inc., ACK Marine, and Coastal Engineering Co. (CEC) were contracted through a FEMA grant. The dock systems were reconstructed and a new wave attenuator was installed on the northeast side of the pier. CEC served as a sub-consultant resident engineer on site during construction. 


  • Construction monitoring and quality control
  • Coordination with engineer of record and contractor
  • Daily reports and as-built records