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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Marthas Vineyard Shipyard 4

Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard

Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) is providing professional engineering services for constructing a small-craft marina at Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard, which will provide slips for 50 small craft vessels and parking for the slip holders. CEC’s services include topographic and hydrographic surveys of the area to develop the existing conditions plans, design of a floating dock configuration with two new piers for the boat slips, design of a new parking lot, and design of a dredge footprint for the slip area and approach channel. Some of the dredged sediment will be reused onsite to increase the grade along the shorefront and decrease the likelihood of coastal flooding during higher tides.


  • Existing conditions survey (topographic and hydrographic)
  • Sediment sampling and analysis
  • Marine engineering design of the proposed piers, ramps, floating docks, and dredge footprint
  • Civil engineering for proposed new marina parking and mast storage area redevelopment and associated site improvements
  • Permitting
  • Pre- and post-dredge hydrographic surveys