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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Napa Auto Parts Hero

Napa Auto Parts

Orleans NAPA stocks auto parts and tools for heavy duty trucks, marine, and farming equipment. Coastal Engineering Co. provided land surveying and civil engineering services for parking lot improvements including layout, grading and new storm drainage system, surfacing of existing dirt parking area with bit concrete pavement, and replacing of existing failing pavement.

  • Research and review Barnstable County Registry of Deeds information on current deed and plan of locus
  • Field survey to obtain existing site conditions and topography
  • Base site plan showing existing site conditions
  • Soil testing in area of proposed stormwater drainage leaching system
  • Design of stormwater drainage system to contain and control stormwater runoff
  • Site plan showing proposed parking layout and rip-rap retaining wall behind building, grading modifications, and stormwater drainage system
  • Construction phase services