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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Old Burial Hill Cemetery Hero Thumb

Old Burial Hill Cemetery

Burial Hill is a historic burial site of a number of original Mayflower Pilgrims and other prominent colonial New England dignitaries, founded in the 17th century. During the 18th and into the 19th Century, earth retaining structures were constructed around the site with native stone and granite from nearby quarries, using the dry stack method, which was common during the colonial and pre- industrial era. Walls were later mortared and repointed. Over time, some mortar joints and loose granite blocks failed, bricks cracked and concrete deteriorated. Overgrown vegetation and tree roots have also compromised some wall sections and exacerbated mortar and joint failure. Coastal Engineering Co. performed a visual structural evaluation and general conditions assessment of the existing earth retaining structures and steps with a report and recommendations for stabilization repairs and treatment. As this was a historic site, an important objective was to consider repair treatments that meet the public safety requirements while preserving the integrity of the existing historical materials and construction.

  • Structural assessment of site steps and walls
  • Report and recommendations for stabilization repairs and treatment