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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Outer Cape Health Services Harwich 3

Outer Cape Health Services Harwich

Transforming a Farmer's Market Located in in an AE Flood Zone into a Community Healthcare Facility

Outer Cape Health Services (OCHS) centers provide primary care, specialty care, and same-day care. Having outgrown their small location on Chatham Road, OCHS has rebuilt a former Thompson’s Farm Market in Harwich Port to include 16 examination rooms, a lab, and a pharmacy. Coastal Engineering Co. worked with DBVW Architects to provide land surveying, civil engineering, and structural engineering for this project. Because the building is located in an AE flood zone, special consideration is being given to flood proofing methods and materials.


  • Civil/structural engineering design
  • Permit drawings and application assistance
  • Consultation with the architect relative to flood proofing considerations
  • Construction phase services