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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Pilgrim Memorial State Park Hero

Pilgrim Memorial State Park

Coastal Engineering Co. is currently working with MA Department of Conservation and Recreation and Pressley Associates landscape architects to develop design and construction documents for the rehabilitation of Pilgrim Memorial State Park in 3 areas: Plymouth Rock Portico, Cole’s Hill, and Pilgrim Mother Garden. The scope of services includes engineering design to rehabilitate the park while improving the function and patrons' experience with minimal changes to the current amenities.

Civil/Site portion of the project is focused on general site grading and drainage upgrades and site improvements needed provide accessibility to the facility in the designated work areas. The Marine portion of the project is focused on the stabilization repairs to the existing seawall fronting the park. The Structural portion of the project is focused on the conditions assessment of the existing memorial structures to identify repairs needed to correct any observed structural defects, and conservation efforts relative to the historical monuments.

  • Existing conditions assessment report
  • Conceptual design
  • Design development/permitting
  • Final design/construction drawings
  • Bid administration
  • Construction contract administration