Prince Cove marina bulkhead was in poor condition, with significant section loss and deterioration of the steel piles and an overall softening of the exposed face of the concrete panels at most locations in the tidal zone. Coastal Engineering’s reconstruction design consisted of the installation of a new, highly durable coated steel sheet pile bulkhead with a timber cap just seaward of the existing bulkhead face, and utilizing a new helical anchor tieback system to secure the top of the bulkhead wall. Concrete fill was placed between the existing and new bulkhead walls to eliminate the void space in this zone.
The project also included the installation of new guardrail system to prevent vehicle accidents. Water and electrical services, previously crossing ramps, were redesigned so that all utilities are hidden below ground, with three power/faucet pedestals conveniently located near each ramp. Old telephone poles were dismantled and new lighting was put up along the bulkhead face. The parking lot was left as gravel, so that stromwater can percolate through instead of running off, with an exception of an ADA-compliant concrete patch for handicap parking.