Creating a functional new civic site by reconfiguring existing parcels on the Outer Cape
The new Provincetown Police Station will be a 13,900-sf two-story building prominently located at the intersection Route 6 and on Jerome Smith Road. Coastal Engineering Company (CEC) is working with Flansburgh Architects to provide land surveying services to reconfigure the existing parcel and create a new parcel for the police station, as well as civil engineering design for utilities, sanitary sewage, and stormwater. The site improvements are being coordinated with various ongoing Town projects, such as the Shank Painter Road improvements at the intersection with Route 6 and the proposed Town sewer pump station expansion at the Veterans of Foreign Wars property across the street, where the police station sewer is anticipated to flow by 6” gravity line. An overarching site-specific design consideration is to avoid disturbance of the existing Town vacuum sewer system wastewater effluent disposal beds, which are located approximately 2 feet under the existing Town parking lot.