Coastal Engineering Co. was engaged by Town of Mashpee to provide engineering services for improvements to the John’s Pond Recreation Facility. The parking lot is close to the elevation of the pond, and the existing stromwater management systems were inadequate and lying in groundwater. A playground at the facility was located on the opposite side of the parking lot from the beach.
Coastal Engineering designed a reconfigured parking lot that reduced the amount of pavement within the pond’s buffer zone, improved traffic circulation, increased the number of accessible parking spaces, added dedicated bus parking, and relocated the playground to be adjacent to the beach to improve children safety. We designed new stormwater management systems for the parking lot that include bio-filtration basins to provide stormwater treatment prior to discharging into new subsurface recharge basins located above high groundwater elevation. We also designed a new sewage disposal system for a future restroom building that will accommodate up to 600 users per day.