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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Residential Sand Drift Fence And Beach Nourishment Thumb

Residential Sand Drift Fence and Beach Nourishment

Protecting the Bank from the Run-Up Waves Using an Innovative Solution: Double Sand Drift Fence

This waterfront property's coastal beach and coastal bank experienced significant erosion from multiple winter storms. While the upper portion of the residence’s coastal bank was well vegetated, the base of it showed serious signs of erosion. Because of restrictions on the use of engineering structures, construction of a double sand drift fence combined with ongoing nourishment of approximately 1,000 feet of beach was recommended to protect the existing bank. Double sand drift fence is an innovative solution that allows for wind-blown sand to be trapped between the fence layers, thus protecting the bank from the run-up waves. Planting American beach grass provided additional stabilization of the bank. Beach monitoring is performed during the course of the year, and the Town and property owners receive monitoring plans with recommendations from Coastal Engineering regarding these resource areas conditions and action items to restore them as needed.


  • Evaluation of coastal resource areas
  • Topographic survey of the property along the waterfront side of the lot
  • Engineering design of double sand drift fence and beach nourishment
  • Environmental permitting, including Notice of Intent and permits from Dennis Board of Selectmen and Beach Committee for use of the town property for access
  • Construction contract administration
  • Ongoing monitoring