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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Ryders Cove Boat Ramp Chatham 2

Ryder’s Cove Landing

Conceptual Plans for Proposed Repairs and Improvements in Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Coastal Engineering performed an existing conditions assessment and prepared conceptual plans for proposed repairs and improvements at Ryder’s Cove town landing located in Chatham’s coastal Area of Critical Environmental Concern. The objective of this project was to evaluate the site for performance and stability and provide conceptual repair or replacement options for the Ryder’s Cove facilities - boat ramp, bulkhead, and floating docks. Other considerations included a more efficient traffic plan, upgrades to boat wash-down area, pump-out station, comfort station, and beach erosion mitigation. The report also included estimates for capital budget planning purposes, existing conditions plan, and conceptual plan for regulatory review. This project has provided the town of Chatham with a well thought out road map for efficient upgrades and future utilization of this facility.


  • Existing conditions site plan
  • Conceptual design plan
  • Summary report of findings
  • Preliminary cost estimate for project implementation