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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Safe Harbor Mb Slider 4@2X

Safe Harbor Marina Bay Hydro Survey

Coastal Engineering has been contracted by Merrill Engineers and Land Surveyors of Hanover, MA to conduct a hydrographic survey for several large marinas owned by Safe Harbors along the South Shore of Massachusetts. The latest project location is Safe Harbor Marina Bay in Quincy, MA. The marina is looking to expand and install new floating docks off a reconstructed pier at the northwestern end of the marina. Coastal Engineering was contracted to perform a hydrographic survey of the area necessary for design and construction of those improvements.


  • Conduct a single-beam hydrographic survey of the captioned area
  • Process the hydrographic survey data and prepare soundings referenced in the specified vertical datum
  • Prepare an existing conditions bathymetric plan including existing seafloor contours (at one foot intervals), soundings, and several cross-section views through the proposed float reconfiguration area
  • Overlay existing conditions bathymetric plan over the site plan provided by Merrill Engineers and Land Surveyors