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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Harbormasters Facility Hero

Sandwich Marina

Redeveloping Waterfront into a First-Class Facility

The Sandwich Marina, which sits on the eastern side of the Cape Cod Canal, is one of the busiest marinas in Massachusetts and is home to a large commercial fishing fleet taking advantage of the deep waters right off the shore. The old pile-supported marina office frequently flooded during nor’easter storms, necessitating the need for a new facility. Coastal Engineering Co. worked with Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Raber Architects to provide full scope civil and structural engineering, environmental permitting, construction bid and contract administration.

The new office and garage are sited near Sandwich Marina boat ramp, allowing the Harbormaster a panoramic view from a second story office, while affording boaters convenient access to the Harbormaster facility. The marina playground that formerly occupied the building site was relocated closer to the canal. The parking lot was realigned and new walkways were added to provide full handicap accessibility to the facility. Because the building is located in a flood zone, it was designed to higher wind standards, elevated above flood elevation and properly secured to sustain hurricane force winds. Roof runoff is routed into dry wells for groundwater recharge on the site. The town also wanted a year-round restroom facility, so a new sewage disposal system was designed. Vegetation was planted as a buffer on the coastal bank.

We were very inspired by the positive impact this facility made on both the community's coastal resiliency and blue economy, so we filmed a documentary diving deep into the creative process behind this project.

  • Civil and structural engineering design
  • Site subsurface soil investigation
  • Notice of Intent preparation and regulatory review meetings
  • Construction bid and contract administration