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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Stellwagen Visitor Information Center

Stellwagen Visitor Information Center

Stellwagen Visitor Center Advisory Committee is working with Oudens Ello Architecture to develop a conceptual design for a proposed Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Visitor Information Center in Provincetown. The 9,300 square-foot Center will feature interactive exhibits describing the Sanctuary’s wildlife, environmental resources, human uses and challenges, and will provide additional meeting space for community events. An area on Ryder Street Extension, near MacMillan Pier and the municipal parking area, is being explored for siting the Center. It is anticipated to make improvements to the adjacent transportation area, public restrooms, and potentially create new outdoor public spaces and exhibits. Coastal Engineering has provided professional land survey and civil engineering consultation services for the existing conditions survey and civil engineering narrative to inform the conceptual design and cost estimate for the Center.


  • Data Accumulation Plan (Existing Conditions)
  • Civil Engineering Narrative