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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Taylor Bray Farm 9

Taylor–Bray Farm

Structural Engineering Report on Historic Timber Frame Barn and Farmhouse

The Taylor–Bray Farm is a rare survivor of the type of the historic property that characterized agricultural life in Plymouth Colony during the 18th and 19th centuries. Throughout its history, the barn had undergone a process of change and maintenance that continues to this day. Coastal Engineering Co. provided professional services required to identify the scope of work needed to stabilize the existing timber frame barn and farmhouse structures. Final report included descriptive identification of the existing building systems, structural conditions assessment, and diagnosis of deficient conditions with recommendations for selective repairs.


  • Visual field inspection and conditions assessment of the existing historic structures
  • Preparation of general key plan and schematic layout plans
  • Survey exterior building envelope
  • Assess structural conditions and develop structural retrofit treatment options
  • Identify historic character defining features for CPA and other grant opportunities
  • Preparation of structural conditions assessment report to include observations and recommendations for retrofit repairs needed to stabilize the existing structure