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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Town Neck Beach Access Stairs Hero Thumb

Town Neck Beach Access Stairs

Boardwalk access stairs at Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, MA deteriorated to the point where they presented a significant threat to public. Coastal Engineering Co. was hired by the Town of Sandwich to design new stairs better suited to the coastal environment. We performed resource area delineation and an existing conditions plan of the entire boardwalk and prepared a permitting and construction plan for the access stairs suitable for filing with the Conservation Commission and MA DEP. We also prepared and filed a Notice of Intent. We designed construction plans and details suitable for public bidding of the project and assisted the Town with the preparation of public bid documents. During the public bid process, our engineer answered questions regarding the drawings and specifications. We then reviewed the bids and made recommendations on the bidders to the Town and conducted inspections as needed during the project duration

  • Data accumulation
  • Design of boardwalk access stairs
  • Permitting
  • Construction drawings and specifications, construction administration