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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Chilmark Ems 115

Town of Chilmark Fire/EMS Station

The new 10,800 SF Chilmark Fire/EMS Station encompasses a 4,500 SF EMS Ambulance building and 6,300 SF Headquarters building and provides services for Aquinnah, Chilmark and West Tisbury.

The Headquarters consist of locker rooms, offices, meeting rooms, training spaces and kitchen in addition to the two apparatus bays. 

The Ambulance building hosts an administration office and four apparatus bays. The office is located in a two-story wood-framed building and the attached apparatus garage bays are located in a one-story building.

Both buildings are slab-on-grade with load bearing wood-stud walls supporting a conventional wood-framed superstructure with wood shingle siding, impact resistant and insulated glazed wood windows with aluminum cladding. 

The apparatus garage bays are a slab-on-grade, with a with CMU walls and prefabricated engineered wood roof trusses.


  • Full scope structural engineering services
  • Construction documents
  • Construction bid and contract administration