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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Town Of Harwich Marine Facilities Hero Thumb

Town Of Harwich Marine Facilities

The Town of Harwich wanted to conduct a harbor and facilities analysis at five waterfront areas in the Town including: Allen Harbor, Herring River, Wychmere  Harbor, Saquatucket Harbor, and Round Cove. Coastal Engineering performed in-depth inspections at these locations, which consisted of bulkheads (steel and timber), boat ramps, docks/piers, buildings and parking/drainage areas. The objective of this project was to evaluate each site for performance and stability, then systematically analyze for repair or replacement options, and cost out for capital budget planning purposes. After extensive research and inspections, Coastal Engineering furnished an in-depth technical report and projected cost estimate to the Town for all 5 areas and subsequent facilities. The report was then used to assist the Town in determining long-term strategic planning objectives for the management of such important town resources.

  • Assess existing conditions with level 1, 2, and 3 inspections
  • Prepare comprehensive conditions assessment technical report, inspection forms and long-term capital improvement plan for each of the town’s facilities
  • Assist with petrographic analysis of concrete samples for Wychmere Harbor pier
  • Meet with Town officials to discuss long term maintenance and repairs
  • Develop projected cost estimate for each facility
  • Conduct drainage reconnaissance with Harwich Department of Public Works to assess the structural integrity and functionality of existing drainage structures
  • Prepare ENF, EIR waiver, MEPA certification, NOI, ACOE Dredge Permit, Chapter 91 License
  • Utilize dredge material for beach nourishment