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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Town Of Scituate Fire Station No4 6

Town of Scituate Fire Station #4

Coastal Engineering Co., Inc. (CEC) provided professional engineering services for the permitting, design and construction contract administration of the new Town of Scituate Fire Station #4 Apparatus Bay and Living Quarters building, which is located in a FEMA-designated AE flood zone. The Apparatus Bay portion of the building, which is sized for two firefighting pump trucks, includes a structural slab designed to accommodate scour due to flooding. The  Living Quarters portion of the building, which provides year-round accommodations for firefighters, is supported on concrete piers that raise the floor to a level that is above the flood elevation.

Overseeing the project from initial concept through building occupancy, CEC teamed with Keenan and Kenny Architects and CSI Engineering (MEP engineers), along with representatives from the Town of Scituate Fire Department and Building Department, to develop a building plan that met the functional needs of the Fire Department, the regulatory requirements associated with the flood zone, and the budgetary limitations established by the Town.  


  • Full scope structural engineering services
  • Environmental permitting
  • Construction documents and bid administration