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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Windy Brae Banner

Windy Brae

Fitting In and Making a Unique Statement on a Boulevard-Side, Bluff-Top, Harbor-Front Site

Coastal Engineering Co. worked on a “raze and replace” for this bluff-top site overlooking Chatham Harbor Fish Pier. The owners were able to add a extra bedroom within a limited footprint allowed by zoning and conservation requirements by obtaining a variance from the Board of Health as a result of designing an I/A septic system. Substantial grading changes were made to accommodate a lower level walkout and a new swimming pool. Environmental permitting was provided for coastal bank stabilization and plant community restoration within the “no-disturb” zone.


  • Existing conditions site plan, including topographic survey, research at Board of Health, Registry of Deeds, and Town Hall, pre-mark utilities, arrange for Dig-Safe
  • Proposed site plan suitable for filing for regulatory review
  • New I/A sewage disposal system design
  • Site grading and stormwater drainage design
  • Environmental permitting, including Notice of Intent preparation and filing, and hearing representations with Conservation Commission, Board of Health, and Zoning Boards of Appeals
  • Construction survey layout and as-built plan