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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Leadership Hero Sean Riley

Sean M. Riley
Chief Operating Officer/Vice President

Sean M. Riley. P.E. is Chief Operating Officer and Vice President at Coastal Engineering Co. He has extensive experience in site analysis and design, sewage disposal systems design, I/A wastewater technology, stormwater runoff systems design, road and site layout, and all phases of construction. He is a Certified Floodplain Manager with extensive experience in MassDEP coastal resource and FEMA Flood Code regulations for construction in the coastal flood plain, hazard risk mitigation and flood plain management.

Mr. Riley's in-depth knowledge of Federal, State & Local regulations has led to numerous engagements on expert panels. Mr. Riley has served on several professional committees, including DEP's Advisory Committee, developing performance standards for construction projects within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. He has also served as an adjunct advisor to local communities rewriting Flood Plain Regulations.