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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Brewster Woods Building 40

Brewster Woods

Brewster Woods is a affordable multifamily housing development by Preservation of Affordable Housing that is sited on a 7.1 acre site in Brewster, MA. This development features a total of 30 living units that are made up of one, two, and three bedroom floor plans. The two two-story buildings are organized around a central open village green area. The structures have shallow concrete foundations and conventional wood frame construction with pre-fabricated wood roof trusses and photovoltaic (solar) panels on the roof.


  • Survey and soil testing
  • Civil engineering and site plan preparation for site grading, stormwater management system, driveway, parking, and utilities
  • Site evaluation and design of a sewage disposal system with enhanced wastewate rtreatment utilizing an Innovative/Alternative secondary treatment system
  • Permitting services under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 40B
  • Construction contract administration