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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School 5

Cape Cod Regional Technical High School

Providing 21st Century Learning to Support the New Educational Philosophy for Technical Education

Cape Cod Regional Technical High School is a new 220,000 SF building located on a 67-acre site. The old facility, originally constructed in 1975, failed to meet the updated minimum classroom size, technology, and accessibility requirements. In addition, the school’s electrical, heating and cooling systems were outdated. After several options, including base repair options, addition/renovation configurations, and new construction options, were presented to the District, the voters decided to proceed with construction of a new building.

Coastal Engineering Co. has worked with Drummey Rosane Anderson architects to provide civil engineering and surveying services for the design and construction of the new technical high school that houses 650 students. The new building provides two wings of academic classrooms, a large space for vocational shops, and additional height and access for the construction and transportation shops. The design includes 22 general classrooms, 2 small group/flex spaces, 6 science classroom/labs, 2 art/maker spaces, and 17 vocational/technical shops/classrooms grouped around each technical discipline to foster a sense of collaboration.

There are 15 different curricula tracks taught in the school, divided into 5 “academies.” The construction, transportation, health and wellness and STEAM academies have their own sections in the building with vocational shops and classrooms in each. The STEAM Academy represents science, technology, engineering, arts and math, with a focus on design and visual communications, engineering and information technology. The construction academy focuses on carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and horticulture. The transportation academy focuses on auto collision, auto technology and marine services. The health and wellness academy focuses on health technology, dental, culinary arts and cosmetology.

Featuring three stories, the new school is designed to fit into the topography along the eastern edge of the property. The old school is currently being demolished to make room for parking and new sports fields.


  • Existing conditions survey of a 67-acre parcel of land
  • Preparation of an existing conditions site plan
  • Civil engineering design and site plan of new sewage disposal, stormwater drainage, and erosion/sedimentation control systems, as well as utilities
  • Preparation of plans and specifications for public bid procurement