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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Chatham Bars Inn Civil And Structural Hero

Chatham Bars Inn Resort and Spa

Modernizing Cape Cod's Premier Oceanfront Resort

Chatham Bars Inn is a premier oceanfront resort and a celebrated Cape Cod landmark located on 25 landscaped acres overlooking Pleasant Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The historic main inn, guest cottages, and golf course were originally constructed in 1913. In 1993, an extensive restoration process began to renovate and modernize the main inn and its surrounding cottages. In addition, a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system was constructed. A new spa facility was designed, complemented by a swimming pool, jacuzzi and outdoor massage cabanas. These efforts were undertaken while ensuring that this premier Cape Cod resort maintains its reputation for excellence and retains its classic heritage and pristine beauty.


  • Topographic and boundary surveys
  • Environmental and regulatory permitting
  • Structural design and plan preparation
  • Civil engineering design, layout, and site plan preparation
  • Construction layout
  • Construction contract administration
  • Wastewater treatment plant design
  • Grading, siting and infrastructure for a new spa and swimming pool