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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Huckleberry Lane Hero

Huckleberry Lane

The Brewster Housing Authority Family Housing at Huckleberry Lane includes 24 two and three bedroom units. During one of the septic systems inspections, it was found that two leaching pits were overflowing into the risers and driveways. Each time the tank was pumped, several hundred gallons of flowback from the overloaded leaching pits were also pumped out of the septic tank. The systems were declared in hydraulic failure. Coastal Engineering Co. developed plans for replacement of all the existing sewage disposal systems and oversaw the project through the construction document phase, bid phase, and construction phase

  • Design two new sewage disposal systems to serve all of the buildings at the facility
  • Prepare a construction phase plans and specifications, and cost estimate
  • Construction bid administration and construction inspections