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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Maritime Landing Home Img 3 Min

Maritime Landing

Maritime Landing is a residential cottage community consisting of 20 single family cottages and 4 duplexes. The community is permitted and constructed under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 40B and includes 7 affordable housing units. This “Nantucket” style home development is sited on 5.75 acres near Route 6a in Dennis. Units are offered in both 2 and 3 bedroom styles. Prior to development, this was a vacant site. Coastal Engineering Co. helped to fully develop the site, designing within the constraints of the applicable regulations.


  • Survey and soil testing
  • Civil engineering and site plan preparation for site grading, stormwater management system, driveway, parking, and utilities
  • Site evaluation and design of a sewage disposal system enhanced wastewater treatment utilizing an Innovative/Alternative secondary treatment system
  • Environmental permitting and regulatory review
  • Construction layout and survey
  • Construction contract administration