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Coastal Engineering Company of Orleans Cape Cod
Yarmouth Gardens 2

Residences at Yarmouth Gardens

Civil and Structural Engineering Services for Affordable Housing Development

Coastal Engineering Co. is working with Winslow Architects, Inc to provide surveying, civil and structural engineering, and permitting support services in connection with an affordable housing development proposed by Commonwealth Community Developers, Inc. on an approximately 2.1 acre site in Yarmouth, MA. The development includes two residential buildings with a playground. A total of 40 units will be offered as a mix of one and two-bedroom units (72 bedrooms total).


  • Survey and preparation of existing conditions topographical site plan
  • Civil engineering and preparation of plans for site layout and grading, sanitary sewage and stormwater management systems, and utilities
  • Soil testing and design of a Title 5 sewage disposal system with I/A treatment
  • Full scope structural engineering
  • Land use permitting